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Capristo Sport Catalytic Converters Straight Pipes Ferrari California 08+

Capristo Sport Catalytic Converters Straight Pipes Ferrari California 08+

Model: CECAL-sp

Производитель: Capristo

These high performance catalytic converters feature 200 cell per square inch substrate material. This material is made of the highest quality substrate currently available. The coating is also of the same quality to be expected with all Capristo products. The OEM catalytic converters are 750 CPSI (CPSI= cells per square inch). The lower the number of cells, the better the exhaust flow from the reduced back pressure.

The cell count of a catalytic substrate refers to the number of holes per square inch and is a direct indication of the flow capabilities of that substrate. The lower the count of holes the bigger the hole need to be to fill one square inch. A bigger hole subsequently flows more exhaust gasses. All of this high flow will not help if the substrate is squeezed into to small a diameter can or pipe. For this reason the Capristo catalysts come packaged in 5.2 inch canisters. This does not only benefit exhaust gas flow, but benefits the operation of the valved exhaust system as well.

The valved exhaust system helps low rpm torque by providing back pressure in the exhaust, and raises temperature for good catalytic converter operation. While in the open valve condition for high rpm, it makes full use of the free flow characteristics of the Capristo catalysts. The high energy exhaust gases from the engine now have enough temperature to work inside the catalysts and the low back pressure ensure maximum performance.

These Sports Cats are available in either X-pipe or straight pipe form:-The X-pipes can be installed to meet the torque in the lower RPM range and to improve the sound. If you are looking for optimum sound results, we do recommend you install these.-The Straight Pipes can be installed in order to achieve the maximum performance. Straight pipes will add approximately 8hp more than the X-pipes. While the sound is not as optimized with those pipes as they are with the X-pipes, if you wish to get more performance out of your vehicle, then we do recommend you install the straight pipes.

Цена: 4838.75$


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