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Ksport Airtech Air Suspension Struts Only Land Rover Range Rover 05+

Ksport Airtech Air Suspension Struts Only Land Rover Range Rover 05+

Model: CLR010-ASO

Производитель: Ksport

Ksport single handedly revolutionized the Air Suspension scene. Creating cost effective, complete bolt on kits was a total gamechanger that many have tried to emulate. But, Ksport knows that sometimes you want to do it yourself. Knowing that they decided to offer their Air Suspension Struts for purchase without any of the other goodies that come in their kits. This enables you to either build a custom kit, swap out the struts in your current aftermarket kit, or replace struts on your Ksport kit. The options are nearly endless.

Цена: 2441.25$


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