MoTeC PDM15Производитель: MoTeCMoTeC’s new 15 output Power Distribution Module (PDM15) is designed to provide electronically switched power to the various electrical systems in the vehicle such as motors, lights and solenoids, and electronic devices such as ECUs and data acquisition systems.
The module replaces conventional relays, fuses and circuit breakers, simplifying wiring and reducing weight, while increasing reliability.
8 x 20 A outputs—20 A continuous, 115 A transient (typical)
7 x 8 A outputs—8 A continuous, 60 A transient (typical)
16 x Switch inputs
1 x CAN
Diagnostic Information
Output current and voltages
Input voltages
Error status
1 x 34 pin waterproof connector
1 x 26 pin waterproof connector
1 x M6 stud
Case size 108 x 128 x 39 mm
Weight 260 gram
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Цена: 1725.00$
Постоянная ссылка на данный товар: http://top-speed.ru/products/motec-pdm15-80186.html